Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Fat Loss Project Day 2

Day 2:

Was not able to exercise until the afternoon -

Elliptical machine warmup: 5 minutes

Intervals: 2 minutes high intensity + 3 minutes low intensity, 2 sets each.

Prisoner Squat, 3 sets/11 reps
Bench Step-Ups 3 sets/11 reps (Left leg is so weak these are nearly impossible. No problem with right leg. I've noticed this before with my left leg. Trying to trade off to build strength in left leg but wonder why this is)
Wall Pushups 3 sets/11 reps
Burpees 3 sets/11 reps
Bench Dips (both bent and straight leg) 3 sets/11 reps
Get-Ups 2 sets/11 reps 3rd set 9 reps. These are still really hard for me.

I was sore today but not awful. Definitely knew I'd exercised on Monday.

Breakfast 8:00am
1 cup green tea w/Stevia
1 cup oatmeal
1 Tbsp flax seed
Cinnamon and Stevia

Morning Snack: 10:30am
1/2 cup of no-fat cottage cheese (this is all they had at the store and I like it better than 1% - is this okay? Fat, calorie and carb count are the same or lower as 1%)

Lunch 1:30pm
2-1/2 cups romaine
1/2 cup sliced red peppers/zucchini
6 boiled good sized shrimp, probably 4 ounces
Coach's dressing

No Afternoon Snack except for another cup of green tea with Stevia

Dinner 7:00pm
2 cups of green salad
Baked chicken, 5-6 ounces
1 Tbsp sliced almonds
Coach's dressing

No Evening Snack

Comments: The green tea in the morning stopped the headache within 10 minutes, so it was caffeine withdrawal. I forgot the almonds in the morning so put them in salad at night and it really added to the taste. Is it mandatory to eat them in the morning with oatmeal? I still didn't eat all I was supposed to, just am not that hungry yet but will try to do better. My metabolism is so messed up, I can gain weight on 1000 calories a day so I hope I don't end up gaining on this meal plan. I've wrecked my metabolism by starving myself for so many years to control my weight.

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